CoherentHall 7 - Stand 7300
- Joining and fastening technology, thermal/mechanical
- Deposit welding
- Laser beam welding
- Pipe welding machines and equipment
- Surface finishing, electroplating / painting /
- Deposit welding
- Hardening
- Laser marking, laser engraving
- Cutting technologies, thermal/mechanical
- Laser cutting systems

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07. November 2023 from 13:20 to 14:00 Clock
Remote welding of copper with process monitoring
Herr Dr. Detlev Wolff
Schweisstec forum in hall 7 booth 7515 FORUM
Welding of copper is an important process for manufacturing connections for batteries. Speed and precision are typical criteria to select a particular technology. With the demand to weld thicker copper sheets weld depth as a new parameter becomes important. The use of remote welding with ...more